Achieving excellence in education and the highest standard in quality care
Promote an environment where play is valued and the primary mode of learning
Provide the physical and emotional security needed for each child to develop a sense of independence
Encourage children to develop skills in making choice and decisions and to accept responsibility
To provide a safe and healthy nurturing learning environment in order to stimulate and enhance children’s developmental and social and emotional needs.
Weekly Rates for 8 hours and 30 minutes
Infants and toddlers are changed at least every 2 hours or as needed. All others (potty-training age and older) are taken to the restroom every 2 hours and allowed to go as needed. Children that are not fully potty-trained will be required to wear disposable pull-ups. Parents may be required to bring pull-ups for a child that does not appear to be potty-trained or one having difficulties adjusting.
Label bottles and caps with baby’s name and current date.
Three changes of clothing socks; please label them each.
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